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Sunday, September 30, 2012

Democrat Politician Caught Having Sex with 17 Year Old at Rest Stop

by Jeff Davis

article on Godfatherpolitics.com reports: “With all of the sex scandals that have rocked the political world in the past few years, it’s a wonder that most of us haven’t heard about this one. But then again, it may have been snuffed by the liberal press since it involved a homosexual.”

State Representative Kerry Gauthier

“According to a report out of Minnesota, State Representative Kerry Gauthier is being investigated by Duluth police for engaging in sodomy with a 17 year old boy at a public rest stop.”

“A witness to the act approached a state patrolman around 11pm to report the indecent behavior at the Thompson Hill rest stop on July 22.Gauthier, an openly gay Democrat, represents Minnesota’s 7B Congressional district which encompasses the southern edge of Duluth and extends south along Saint Louis Bay located at the southern tip of Lake Superior where Minnesota and Wisconsin meet.”

“Believe it or not, there are unofficial reports indicating that Gauthier will not face any criminal charges since the sex was considered to be consensual and Minnesota’s age of consent is 16. Evidently there will be no charges filed for public indecency either since none were mentioned.”

What about the unfortunate individual, who walked in on them? Doesn’t he have the right to use a restroom without being traumatized by perverts using that public facility for deviant sex? Aren’t there laws against people having sex in public? Or are the authorities refusing to enforce those laws against Mr. Gauthier?

This isn’t the first homosexual politician to be caught having sex in a public restroom. The governor of New Jersey, Jim McGreevey made a public confession that he had been having sex at rest stops and then there’s the famous case of the still closeted ex-Senator Larry Craig, who was caught soliciting sex from an undercover vice officer in the next stall at an airport restroom.

Up until 1973, the American Psychiatric Association ruled that homosexuality was a form of mental illness. Was the decision to change that ruling legitimate or was it changed due to pressure from activist organizations?

article from the Conservative Colloquium notes “In 1970, psychiatrists generally considered sexual desires toward members of one’s own gender to be disordered….”

“Led by radicals like Frank Kameny, same-gender sex activists attacked many psychiatrists publicly, as Newsweek describes, “But even more than the government, it is the psychiatrists who have experienced the full rage of the homosexual activists. Over the past two years, gay-lib organizations have repeatedly disrupted medical meetings, and three months ago—in the movements most aggressive demonstration so far—a group of 30 militants broke into a meeting of the American Psychiatric Association in Washington, where they turned the staid proceedings into near chaos for twenty minutes. ‘We are here to denounce your authority to call us sick or mentally disordered,’ shouted the group’s leader, Dr. Franklin Kameny, while the 2,000 shocked psychiatrists looked on in disbelief. ‘For us, as homosexuals, your profession is the enemy incarnate. We demand that psychiatrists treat us as human beings, not as patients to be cured!’” (Newsweek, 8-23-71, p.47)

“Ironically, at the very moment Franklin Kameny was claiming that same-gender sex was healthy, safe, and natural, a deadly virus was silently passing through communities of men all over the nation as a result of the promiscuous, unhealthy nature of the sex they were having. Only a decade later, thousands of men would be dead or dying, of AIDS.”

“….After the vote by the American Psychiatric Associations Board of Trustees, some members of the APA, led by Dr. Charles Socarides called for a full vote by the APA’s 17,905 members. (The Long Road to Freedom, ed. by Mark Thompsan1994, p. 104)”

“On April 9, 1974, results of the vote were announced. Only 10,555 of the 17,905 APA members had voted in the election. The results were as follows,
Total APA members eligible to vote: 17,905
Number of APA members that actually voted: 10,555
Number of members that “Abstained”: 367
Number of “ No” votes-votes to keep “homosexuality” in the DSM as a mental disorder: 3,810
Number of “Yes” votes-votes to remove “homosexuality” from the DSM as a mental disorder: 5,854"

"It should be noted that the number of “Yes” (5,854) made up only 32.7 percent of the total membership of the APA. Only slightly less than one-third of the APA’s membership approved the change.”

Did the FBI step in to protect psychiatrists from this terrorism? NO. The FBI did however step in to protect abortion doctors whenever they felt threatened by militant Christians. I guess who gets police protection in the US depends on how politically correct you are. If you’re not politically correct, the police stand back and let the radicals attack you and break up your meetings.

In other words, homosexual activists terrorized the American Psychiatric Association into changing its stand. Under immense pressure, less than one third of the APA voted to change the ruling on homosexuals, which raises the question: Did the APA really change the ruling or were we just told that they did?

The Zionist-controlled media also played a key role in defending and promoting homosexuality as if it were a normal “alternative lifestyle” as opposed to a mental disorder that sometimes results in grown men, including politicians, having sex in public restrooms, despite the insanity of such behavior in terms of their careers. But then, these men are “sane” according to the Ziomedia and any criticism of them is supposedly “homophobic”.

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