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We are opposed to violence and believe that every people on earth has the right not to be exploited, suppressed or harmed by others. That uncontrolled immigration is a threat to every nation, and that the mass media covers up racial and ethnic realities.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Democrats Launch Racist Attacks on Black Republican

by Jeff Davis

Palm Beach Post reports: “Conservative black U.S. Rep. Allen West, R-Palm Beach Gardens, says an ad that depicts him punching white women plays on racial stereotypes and would make liberals apoplectic if a Republican ran it against a black Democrat.”

U.S. Rep. Allen West

“While Sarah Palin and Herman Cain joined the West campaign in ratcheting up criticism of the ad on Friday, an NAACP official said he didn’t find the 30-second spot to be racially offensive. And the campaign of West’s main Democratic rival defended the ad’s content while denying any involvement in its creation.”

“The controversy centers on an ad by American Sunrise, a PAC that is largely financed by the father of Democratic congressional candidate Patrick Murphy. The ad blasts West’s stances on seniors, women’s health and tax issues by showing a cartoonish likeness of West in boxing gloves slugging an elderly woman and a younger woman who are white and punching a black family and grabbing the family’s cash.”

Now if anyone, I repeat ANYONE on the Right did a similar stereotype of a Black Democrat candidate even as a joke, there would be howls of outrage and screams of “racism”, but apparently Democrats and their super-PACs can make ads like this and it’s “no big deal”.

article notes “’Think if the Republican Party or some conservative PAC ran a picture of a black Democrat politician or congressman punching white women and white seniors. I’m sure that MSNBC, NBC and the Huffington Post and everyone would be going apoplectic right now,’ West said on Fox News.”

If a similar ad had targeted a Black Democrat or -horrors- Obama himself, the media would be inciting people to riot in the streets outside the Super-PAC’s office and a full team of FBI agents including SWAT and dog teams would be dispatched to investigate the ad as a civil rights violation or maybe even domestic terrorism.

article goes on “West, one of only two black Republicans in Congress, said different rules apply to black conservatives.”

“’You know, where’s the outrage from Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton and the NAACP about this? They’re not going to say anything because they’re nothing but an effective wing of the Democrat Party whatsoever and they have effectively kept them well placed so that they can continue to have a black electorate voting bloc,’ West said.”

Limbaugh and the kosher conservatives have a point: Democrats will do or say anything, anything at all, in order to hang on to their power and that includes racist attacks on Republican Blacks or sexist attacks on Republican women. For them, apparently none of the rules apply.

The controversial ad can be seen here:


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