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We are opposed to violence and believe that every people on earth has the right not to be exploited, suppressed or harmed by others. That uncontrolled immigration is a threat to every nation, and that the mass media covers up racial and ethnic realities.

Friday, October 5, 2012

First Presidential Debate Goes to Romney

by James Buchanan

First of all, there’s always a chorus of “why should we care?” when it comes to two-party elections. Obama is a hustler from the bowels of the corrupt Chicago political machine while Romney is an overly liberal Republican, whom conservatives don’t like. There are three big issues in 2012: The economy, a possible war on Iran and whether or not 20 million illegal aliens become US citizens. It’s fairly obvious that the economy is the 800lb gorilla in the room and that issue alone –if Romney has enough brains to stay focused on it– will decide the election.

In regards to a possible war on Iran, the
Israeli newspaper Haaretz reports “A senior government official told Haaretz that even if Jerusalem attacks Iran over Washington’s objections, he doesn’t think the United States will turn its back on Israel. Israel, he added, must retain sole responsibility for its security…. Netanyahu, meanwhile, said on Tuesday that ‘things that affect our fate, our very existence, we don’t entrust to others – not even to our best friends. Obama and Romney both said that Israel has the right to defend itself against any threat, and we are obligated to make the decisions.’”

This strongly suggests that Israel is prepared to attack Iran regardless of who is in the White House.

The other big issue is immigration and whether or not 20 million illegal aliens get an Amnesty. Obama has already handed out a partial “Dream Act” Amnesty –acting without Congress. As if that isn’t an ominous enough sign, anyone, who compares
Obama’s position on immigration with Romney’s position on immigration as noted on their respective websites will quickly see that Obama is strongly in favor of giving US citizenship to illegal aliens inside the US while Romney opposes an Amnesty.

The United States cannot afford to have 20 million illegal aliens “amnestied”. We are getting perilously close to a non-White majority. The White population is only about 66 percent of the US and falling. We can’t afford to fast-forward the process of turning America non-White. If Barack Obama gets a second term, he will grant an Amnesty for 20 million illegals and combine that with a chain-migration provision, allowing the extended families of the amnestied illegal aliens to come to the US, which potentially could drop the White percentage of the US to below 50 percent in just a few years —much faster than anyone else has predicted up to now.
Now that the “irrelevancy issue” has been addressed, it appears Romney has won the first presidential debate decisively!

recent article at CNN reports “Sixty-seven percent of registered voters who watched the debate said GOP nominee Mitt Romney won the debate, while 25% said President Barack Obama came out as the winner, according to a CNN/ORC International Poll released late Wednesday night.”

“For the survey, 430 adult Americans were interviewed by telephone after the end of the debate. The poll does not and cannot reflect the views of all Americans. It only represents the views of people who watched the event.”

It looks like CNN’s post-debate poll hit pretty close to the mark. Most media pundits were amazed at how well Romney did and how Obama seemed to be practically “phoning it in”. At several points in the debate Obama appeared to be getting help from Lehrer finishing thoughts so that they came out coherent.

Most Romney supporters were afraid that Mitt’s lack of charisma would allow Obama to run circles around him, but Obama appeared to be in as bad a shape as the economy while Romney seemed full of enthusiasm.

The biggest thing looming over the debates and the presidential contest is the terrible state of the economy. At the Democrat National Convention, the best Obama could come up with was to ask Americans to give him more time. More time to do what? Wallow in Depression-level unemployment?

All Romney has to do to win is keep the focus on the economy. While talking about government subsidies, Romney scored a
great line during the debate when he noted “you (Obama) put $90 billion, like 50 years worth of (tax) breaks into solar and wind… to Solyndra and Fisker and Tesler and I had a friend who said you don’t just pick the winners and losers, you pick the losers.” The Solyndra fiasco alone ultimately cost taxpayers $525 million.

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