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We are opposed to violence and believe that every people on earth has the right not to be exploited, suppressed or harmed by others. That uncontrolled immigration is a threat to every nation, and that the mass media covers up racial and ethnic realities.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Stopping Democrat Vote Fraud Before it Happens

by Jeff Davis

One good thing about the 2012 election is that the subject of Democrat vote fraud is no longer unspeakable and untouchable. The Republicans are pretty sure they’re going to win, but if they allow the Democrats to get away with their usual shenanigans at the polls, Romney’s present lead might evaporate.

Virginia Times-Despatch reports: “The Voter Participation Center, the organization whose mailings are under scrutiny, fired back this afternoon at the Romney campaign. In a letter to Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli, it charged that what it called attempts by the Romney campaign to block voter registration efforts in Virginia ‘may rise to the level of interference with legitimate voter registration efforts contrary to applicable state and federal laws.’ The organization asked Cuccinelli to refuse the Romney campaign’s request to investigate what it called ‘completely lawful efforts by the VPC to register Virginians.’”

Yes, but do those Virginians actually exist? If so, are they alive? If alive, are they illegal aliens and/or felons who are forbidden by law to vote? These are the key questions that must be asked to stop fraud.

The article goes on “’The Romney campaign’s request for a probe into over 15 thousand returned legal and state-approved registration application forms is part of a blatant and ongoing partisan effort to keep people from voting,’ said VPC founder and president Page Gardner.”

Most likely, the Democrats are trying to sneak an extra 15,000 votes they’re not entitled to and they don’t want anyone looking into this. The Democrat party has been notorious since the days of Tammany Hall for election fraud and the acquisition of power through corruption of various kinds. In the last election Barack Obama received an incredible amount of financial support including that of billionaire George Soros. Were all the donations in compliance with campaign finance law? Probably not. Add to that millions of illegal aliens voting (like the ones, who made the difference in Harry Reid’s re-election) and the usual dead Democrat voters plus duplicate and triplicate voters in places like St. Louis and Chicago.

ACORN, the thoroughly crooked left-wing activist organization played its usual role getting people of dubious legality registered to vote in 2008. Thankfully, Andrew Breibart and some activist friends of his exposed the corruption at ACORN and forced their closure.

The Republicans are acutely aware of the danger that the Democrats might steal this election as well, especially in minority-heavy “swing states” with big electoral college vote totals. At least, the Republicans are making an effort to prevent it this time around. They’d better. If Obama is allowed back in for a second term, the GOP can kiss goodbye any chance of ever seeing the inside of the Oval Office again after Obama hands out a general Amnesty to 20 million illegals aliens, plus allowing into the US tens of millions of “legal” immigrants from poor Third World countries, who are certain to vote at least 80 percent Democrat.

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