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We are opposed to violence and believe that every people on earth has the right not to be exploited, suppressed or harmed by others. That uncontrolled immigration is a threat to every nation, and that the mass media covers up racial and ethnic realities.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Mayor Bloomberg of New York Wants to Disarm US Citizens

by Jeff Davis

The Democrats have decided to try to make gun control an election issue, although I’m not sure why. The only people who want gun control in this country are a small elitist minority of Zionists and rich Democrat Whites. Most White people want guns in case a criminal breaks into their home or in case a Katrina-style disaster hits their city. Zionists in Israel by the way have no problem with Jewish Israelis carrying fully automatic M16s, but most Zionists in America fight to take away our Right to Keep and Bear Arms.

Mayor Michael Bloomberg

An article on CNN.com reports: “This evening, Piers Morgan invited Mayor Michael Bloomberg to join him in studio for an honest and revealing discussion in the aftermath of Friday’s deadly shooting in Aurora, CO. In a primetime exclusive interview, the head of the executive branch of New York City’s government provided his solution for implementing stricter gun laws in America:”

“’I don’t understand why the police officers across this country don’t stand up collectively and say we’re going to go on strike,’ Bloomberg told the Piers Morgan Tonight host. “’We’re not going to protect you unless you, the public, through your legislature, do what’s required to keep us safe.’”

Bloomberg is lying when he says that the police are there to protect us. The only way to protect yourself from crime is to avoid bad neighborhoods and to carry a gun for your self defense. The police almost never stop a rape or mugging or burglary in progress. All the police do is show up after the crime, fill out paperwork and zip up any dead victims into body bags. That’s how much “protection” we get from the police. When seconds counts, the police are minutes away. The police may stumble across and arrest a criminal at a traffic stop after that criminal has already victimized someone and after the victim identifies the criminal for police.

Of course, if the police went on strike, then White Americans would be in dire need of guns in order to protect ourselves, but that doesn’t seem to have occurred to Bloomberg. What if the police succeed in disarming the public and then they decide to strike again for higher pay? Key emergency responders should NOT have the right to strike and put the public in jeopardy.

The article continues “A co-founder of Mayors Against Illegal Guns – a coalition of more than 600 mayors fighting illegal gun trafficking and gun violence – Bloomberg is frustrated with the level of dangerous ammunition and supplies that are readily available: ‘Police officers want to go home to their families. And we’re doing everything we can to make their job more difficult, but more importantly, more dangerous, by leaving guns in the hands of people who shouldn’t have them and letting people who have those guns buy things like armor-piercing bullets,’ he detailed. ‘The only reason to have an armor-piercing bullet is to go through a bullet-resistant vest. The only people that wear bullet-resistant vests are our police officers.’”

Once again Bloomberg is lying. Gang members frequently wear bullet proof vests, and it would be no surprise if some burglars and home invasion robbers are wearing them too. If Bloomberg were not a total ignoramus when it comes to the spirit of the Founding Fathers, he might know that the Second Amendment isn’t just there as a defense against criminals; it’s supposed to be a defense against a home-grown tyranny of the same kind that Mr. Bloomberg would like to start by first taking away our guns.

Bloomberg’s police officers aren’t necessarily “our” police officers, especially if they violate the Second Amendment and steal our guns. Many police exist only to “Protect and Serve” the people who sign their paychecks.

During the Katrina disaster, New Orleans police began to steal guns from ordinary Americans under orders from the Mayor of New Orleans. This is why Americans need to vote out of office anti-gun fanatics like Mayor Bloomberg. They don’t respect the Constitution, and they could put your life in jeopardy —either resisting police, who get (illegal) orders to steal your guns or (if the police do steal your guns) you will have to face looters, muggers and rapists unarmed because some elitist tyrant stole your guns.

In fact it might not be a bad idea at all if the police did go on strike, so the nation could get a glimpse of what’s coming down the pike when the Blacks and the Mexicans run wild and Whites are forced to take their guns out of the closet if they don’t want their homes burned to the ground or their families massacred.

A video interviewing Americans who had their guns confiscated after Katrina can be seen here:


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