Who We Are

We are opposed to violence and believe that every people on earth has the right not to be exploited, suppressed or harmed by others. That uncontrolled immigration is a threat to every nation, and that the mass media covers up racial and ethnic realities.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

The Issue of "Fairness" in Racial News Reporting

by James Buchanan
Our critics will sometimes complain that we do “nothing but stories about Black and minority crime”. First of all, we have reported on White criminals. We reported on the pro-Zionist neocon, Anders Breivik, who mass murdered his political enemies in Norway. We also reported on the war criminals George Bush and Dick Cheney, who helped lie the United States into an unjustified war against Iraq. Bush and Cheney bear the responsibility for the mass murder of Iraqi soldiers and civilians in military actions and as collateral damage, not to mention those unjustly executed by kangaroo courts set up by the puppet government of Iraq. We also reported on the mysterious deaths that took place during the Bill Clinton regime, including dozens of associates of Clinton including Vince Foster, James Wilhite, James MacDougal and Ron Brown. (The murder of Ron Brown by the way is a White-on-Black murder that the mainstream media failed to address.)
Secondly, if there weren’t such a preponderance of Black-on-White crime, we wouldn’t be commenting on it. A large number of these Black-on-White crimes were mentioned on local news websites, but the big wire services refused to carry them. Perhaps, the hostility directed at us is part of an effort to censor these news stories from getting wider distribution.
If anyone wants to see a double-standard, they need only look at the mainstream media. Consider the media coverage of the Matthew Shepard case, which was made a major news story for months. A couple of low-life criminals beat Shepard and left him to die. The mainstream media tried to demonize everyone, who was opposed to homosexuality, as being little different than Shepard’s murderers. The hypocrites in the mainstream media however never told the public that Shepard himself was beaten and raped by homosexuals during a trip to Morocco. One source notes “In February 1995, during a high school trip to Morocco, Shepard was beaten and raped, causing him to experience depression and panic attacks, according to his mother. One of Shepard’s friends feared that his depression had driven him to become involved with drugs during his time in college.” So a story about Shepard being beaten and killed by heterosexuals merits national news, but a story about Shepard being raped and beaten by Moroccan homosexuals was not mentioned at all. If the Moroccan homosexuals had raped, beaten and killed Shepard, it would never have been a story at all in the mainstream media.
The Zionist mainstream media at its worst was clearly visible in the Trayvon Martin case. First of all, the Ziomedia published pictures of a ten year old boy, and claimed that was “Trayvon Martin” instead of the much more menacing muscular 17 year old Trayvon. Secondly, the Ziomedia claimed that George Zimmerman was a “White racist” who was out hunting down a Black child. Zimmerman is half Hispanic and considers himself a minority. One of his best friends is Black. George Zimmerman and his wife helped mentor Black children of low income parents. The mainstream media charges against George Zimmerman were complete slander. The Ziomedia also claimed that Zimmerman was not injured and failed to mention eyewitness reports that Trayvon was on top of Zimmerman brutally beating him, before Zimmerman shot Trayvon. Also, George Zimmerman passed a police lie detector test, that confirmed that Trayvon Martin had approached him and that Zimmerman was in fear for his life when he shot Trayvon.
The Ziomedia was spreading LIES to encourage Black hatred of White people. This website was trying to spread the truth and along with other Internet websites, we were able eventually to get the truth out to the public. In this case, the Ziomedia was lying to incite racial hatred and rioting, and we were trying to defuse the situation that they had created.
We intend to keep telling the truth and to make White people aware of any new Black-on-White crimes such as flash mob looting or flash mob assaults or the “knock out game”. The Zionist mainstream media won’t warn White people about any of these new Black-on-White crimes, so that job falls to us.

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