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We are opposed to violence and believe that every people on earth has the right not to be exploited, suppressed or harmed by others. That uncontrolled immigration is a threat to every nation, and that the mass media covers up racial and ethnic realities.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Akin Still Running for Senate; Poll Shows Close Race

by Jeff Davis

It could be that the times are changing in America, and in a country in a desperate economic strait, people simply no longer care what the Zionist-controlled mainstream media tells them to think. The Ziomedia loudly announced that Akin was “finished” after he made one odd comment about abortion.

Todd Akin

article in the Washington Times reports: “Despite widespread assertions that Missouri Republican Rep. W. Todd Akin’s abortion remarks have made him a heavy underdog in the state’s U.S. Senate race, a Democratic-leaning polling firm released a poll Thursday showing him in a virtual dead heat with incumbent Democratic Sen. Claire McCaskill. According to the survey by Public Policy Polling, Mrs. McCaskill has support from 45 percent of likely Missouri voters compared with 44 percent for Mr. Akin, a result that differs strongly from polls conducted last week by other firms.”

Keep in mind is that many Americans, especially those of European heritage, sometimes do not answer poll questions honestly, because having grown up in a politically correct society, some people worry that being conservative or pro-Christian might hurt their careers. Most people like that in Hollywood for example stay deeply in the closet.

Washington Times goes on: “Mr. Akin has been widely condemned by Democrats and Republicans since he made comments in an Aug. 19 television interview, in which he tried to explain his opposition to abortion for rape victims by saying that pregnancy is rare in cases of ‘legitimate rape.’”

It’s not clear what exactly Mr. Akin meant, and he made a poor choice of words. Let’s assume that by “legitimate rape,” he meant violent, non-consensual rape, instead of statutory rape. In the US, consensual sex with someone under the age of consent is considered "statutory rape". This is probably the distinction that Mr. Akin was trying to make, but the Ziomedia prefers to just demonize him rather than give him the benefit of the doubt.

It appears that Mr. Akin thinks that there is some biological response to violent, non-consensual rape to prevent pregnancy. There is actually a myth in existence that this is the case, but
data collected on rapes suggests that five percent of rapes result in pregnancy, which is far from “rare” so this myth that Mr. Akin apparently believed in is apparently wrong.

There are plenty of myths, urban legends and superstitions that people believe in. I don’t think finding out a candidate believed in one incorrect myth is grounds for not voting for him.

If people do want to judge a candidate by his gaffes, one
source notes Barack Obama once said “Over the last 15 months, we’ve traveled to every corner of the United States. I’ve now been in 57 states? I think one left to go.”

Now what’s worse, someone, who believes an odd medical myth, or the fact that a candidate was raised in Indonesia and who has so little attachment to America that he doesn’t even know how many states there are –something that every American child would know? The Ziomedia gave Obama a pass for his failure to know how many states are in the US.

Other quotes from Obama include the two quotes below:

“There are White folks and there are ignorant mother f–kers like you.” (

“You go into these small towns… And it’s not surprising, then, they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.” (

The attack on Mr. Akin by the Ziomedia doesn’t seem to have done him much harm, at least not as much harm as it would have done, say, four years ago. Americans are now more concerned about their own and their children’s future in a nation in decline than they are about some political molehill that the Ziomedia is trying to turn into a mountain.

The Zionists want a “one strike you’re out” policy for Tea Party Republican candidates while someone like Barack Obama apparently can make one horrific statement after another and still be considered a serious candidate and not a bitter, angry Marxist, who has nothing in common with ordinary Americans.

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