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We are opposed to violence and believe that every people on earth has the right not to be exploited, suppressed or harmed by others. That uncontrolled immigration is a threat to every nation, and that the mass media covers up racial and ethnic realities.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Black Teacher Helped her Students Cheat "because they’re dumb as hell"

by Jeff Davis

It is a statistical
fact that Black students score 15 IQ points lower on average than White students. This IQ gap has persisted for over 100 years and despite the best efforts of democracies including magnet schools, busing, ad nauseam, nothing seems to be able to change this. Add to this, the fact that Whites have a brain size 80cc larger than Blacks on average. The average White brain size is 1347. The largest brain size of an ape on record is 700cc.

Shayla Smith

While it may seem “harsh” to point out these facts, maybe western democracies need to realize that you can’t expect different races to have the same exact abilities. Perhaps, expectations need to be adjusted to correspond to each group’s inherent ability.
CBS Atlanta reports: “A former fifth-grade teacher implicated in a cheating scandal reportedly gave students the illegal assistance because she thought they were ‘dumb as hell.’ According to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, math teacher Shayla Smith was accused of offering students the answers to a test they were taking at the time. She had reportedly been responsible for supervising them while the tests were being completed.”

“Schajuan Jones, who taught a fourth-grade class across the hall from Smith’s former room, overheard her talking to another teacher about the test. ‘The words were, 'I had to give your kids, or your students, the answers because they’re dumb as hell,' Jones was quoted as saying about the interaction between Smith and the unidentified third teacher. A former student also allegedly accused Smith of cheating, adding that the educator offered the girl, now in eighth grade, the answers to a math test in 2010."

“The tribunal deliberated for just one hour before handing down a guilty verdict. Smith had been charged with willful neglect and immorality, and she subsequently lost her job. Smith’s case was part of a larger investigation that implicated approximately 180 public school teachers in the city, sparked by investigations performed by the newspaper. All tests proctored by Smith were allegedly marked with suspicious erasure marks, amounting to what was termed a “practically impossible frequency of changes from wrong to right [answers].”

The Atlanta school system is one of the worst in the country, and it also contains one of the largest percentage of Blacks in the country. About a year ago there was a major scandal in the Atlanta school system when a number of teachers and several school principals were caught conducting massive test score fraud to bring the school system up to standard so no federal tax money was lost. The story has since disappeared from the mainstream news media, so it is unclear what if anything was ever done about it.

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