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We are opposed to violence and believe that every people on earth has the right not to be exploited, suppressed or harmed by others. That uncontrolled immigration is a threat to every nation, and that the mass media covers up racial and ethnic realities.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

America’s Longest War: All for Israel

The death of 21 year-old Pfc. Shane W. Cantu of Corunna, Michigan, announced last week by the Pentagon, marks the 2,114th American military death in what has become America’s longest war in history—all fought because of Jewish Supremacist control of the American government.

21 year-old Pfc. Shane W. Cantu

Pfc. Cantu, who died of shrapnel wounds in the remoteness of eastern Afghanistan, was just 10 years old when the war, which tragically ended his life, started.

The invasion of Afghanistan took place shortly after the attacks of September 11, 2001. The Zionist Supremacists and their running dogs such as George Bush Jr decided to blame Afghanistan for the attacks, even though they were carried out by Saudi and Egyptian individuals.

The invasion of Afghanistan had nothing to do with “liberating” that country, as the liars claimed (even calling the invasion “Operation Enduring Freedom”) but rather everything to do with using American lives, money and military might to attack and squash all those who posed even the slightest threat to the Zionist Supremacist state of Israel.

According to the independent monitoring organization, the National Priorities Project, which is directed at monitoring the impact of federal spending at the national, state, congressional district and local levels,
the cost of the war in Afghanistan has been over $560,000,000,000 and still climbing.

The cost of the war in Iraq, another conflict fought exclusively to protect Israel, is in excess of $806,000,000,000 and also still climbing.

Tens of thousands of soldiers have been critically wounded in these wars as well, further adding to the misery and cost of these Jewish Supremacist-directed foreign misadventures.

The price which Americans have paid for Zionist Supremacist control of their government, media, and economy, has now been paid in blood as well.
Americans are quite literally, being killed for the Jewish Supremacists.

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