Who We Are

We are opposed to violence and believe that every people on earth has the right not to be exploited, suppressed or harmed by others. That uncontrolled immigration is a threat to every nation, and that the mass media covers up racial and ethnic realities.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

White Nationalists Versus Diversity Commissars

by Jeff Davis

The average person active in the pro-White movement isn’t some muscle-bound thug with scary tattoos. The average pro-White activist would fit right in with a crowd of normal-looking White folks. His ultimate goal is to create an all-White homeland for his people by peacefully expelling the Third World invaders. He doesn’t want to harm the Third World people or enslave them or steal the natural resources in their homelands (which is more than I can say for the likes of the Bush presidents or Bill Clinton for that matter).

Most Third World people living in White nations have been allowed in by politicians with a sinister agenda to change our homelands into something unrecognizable against our will. Since White people were never allowed to vote on whether we wanted our homelands overwhelmed by a Third World invasion, we are completely justified in sending these invaders back to the countries, they came from.

In the United States in addition to recent Third World invaders, there are Indians and the descendants of Black slaves. The Indians have already been given reservations, and the descendants of Black slaves could be given their our country, possibly on territory along the Mexican border. All the other Third World invaders are relatively new arrivals, who have taken jobs and government resources from the native White people, that they had no right to take.

Now contrast this to what the “noble” Allied powers did to White people after World War Two. In Operation Keel Haul, the British, French and Americans rounded up eastern European refugees, who were not guilty of anything except fleeing the oppression of Communism and packed them on trains against their will for Communist-occupied Europe.

article describes what happened to these people: “During World War II, some 2.5 million Soviet citizens found themselves in Germany and the occupied countries as prisoners of war, slave laborers, or refugees. From 1944 to 1947, these people were forcibly repatriated in a number of operations, the best known of which was Operation Keelhaul in 1946-7. Many committed suicide rather than return to Soviet slavery. Many others were dragged kicking and screaming into the trucks that took them out of Allied territory. The public, by and large, did not know of these atrocities; in fact, the operation was scaled down to some slight extent because Eisenhower and Montgomery threatened to divulge it to the public. The scaling down consisted in formally ‘screening’ the victims for politically persecuted ones. But in essence the politicians prevailed: the officers knew that they had to fulfill a certain quota or have the Soviet authorities (who were by then running the camps) step in. The ‘screening’ was merely a rationalization in making Britain and the US a party to the atrocity. Of the displaced persons thus forcibly returned to the Soviet union, MORE THAN 800,000 WERE SLAUGHTERED by Stalin’s regime. In the history of a weak, hypocritical and spineless West, Operation Keelhaul and allied operations stand out as most shameful examples.”

Whenever some modern-day Diversity commissar tries to lecture you about how “evil” it is for White people to want all-White, low-crime homelands to live in, remind them of what the “big-hearted” Allied victors of World War Two did to innocent White refugees after the war –slaughtering 800,000 innocent White people.

White Nationalists simply want to load up the swarms of Third World invaders on commercial jets and fly them back to their countries of origin. We’re not sending them back to certain death under a brutal dictator like Stalin, and if some Ugandan -for example- claims that he is a genuine political refugee in fear for his life, we’ll allow him to pick a different Third World nation for his expulsion. We’re not heartless murderers, like the post-war “democratic” Allied leaders. We simply want our White homelands restored to the happy, prosperous condition they enjoyed in the early 1960s before sinister forces changed our immigration policies without our consent.

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