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We are opposed to violence and believe that every people on earth has the right not to be exploited, suppressed or harmed by others. That uncontrolled immigration is a threat to every nation, and that the mass media covers up racial and ethnic realities.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Latest Black Flash Mob News

by Jeff Davis

In the interests of fairness, I did a search for White flash mob crimes, and didn’t find anything. There are dancing flash mobs that are mostly White, whose only “crime” is excessive public Gayness, but aside from that no assaults or looting. Apparently Blacks have a monopoly on flash mob crimes in the US although if you look closely every once in a while you might see a White girl in the middle of the Black flash mob, who is likely dating one or several of the Black “yoots”. Curiously, the liberal mainstream media maintains its ridiculous taboo of not mentioning the obvious: That the flash mob crime wave is a Black phenomenon.

CBS news article reports: “A mob of more than 20 teenagers descended on a trendy Wicker Park shop on Saturday and made off with more than $3,000 worth of jeans.”

“CBS 2′s Derrick Blakley reports the incident was caught on store surveillance cameras, and the owner posted the video on YouTube.” (I guess he couldn’t wait for the thieves to do it.) “Luke Cho said he hopes the images help police find the robbers, or maybe even shame the parents of the teens enough that they’ll turn the kids in.”

“From the moment the teens started flooding in the door at Mildblend Supply Co. on Milwaukee Avenue around 6:40 p.m. Saturday, Cho knew something wasn’t right. ‘You see a group a group of teenagers walking in – or marching in – one-by-one. As you can see, it looks like it’s some kind of procession,’ Cho said while reviewing the surveillance video on Sunday. To Cho, it looked like a flash mob was about to rob the store, so he immediately locked the door.”

“‘At least I think I kind of maybe stopped the flow a little bit, but I quickly realized something bad’s about to happen, and I alerted my staff to call 911,’ Cho said. Most of the group flocked to an corner of the store right beneath a security camera, and appeared to know exactly what they were looking for: an exclusive, expensive brand of jeans called Nudie Jeans, which average about $200 a pair. ‘We happen to be one of the few that sell Nudie Jeans in the city,’ Cho said.”

“The teens tried to get out of store, but not before doing more shopping, stuffing their backpacks with merchandise, while other teens outside tried to get in.”

They were “shopping”, not stealing?! I guess “unpaid shopping” is now about to join “undocumented immigrant” in the official liberal lexicon.

CBS goes on “’At the time when I locked the door, they’re banging on the door,’ Cho said. Eventually, the teens figured out how to unlock the door themselves, and rushed into the streets, which were packed with crowds from the Wicker Park Fest, making it easier to blend in.”

Oh? And what color would were the crowds that they blended into?

“Now, Cho wonders whether the flash mob phenomenon is deserting downtown for the neighborhoods.”

That’s probably the case. The suburbs have more to steal.

If we were somehow able to get a time traveler here from a century ago, and he were to see all this, he wouldn’t believe it. Coming from a time when Blacks were actually punished for doing wrong and when the shooting of looters was standard practice to maintain law and order, his mind would not be able to encompass the fact that we allow such behavior today.

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