Who We Are

We are opposed to violence and believe that every people on earth has the right not to be exploited, suppressed or harmed by others. That uncontrolled immigration is a threat to every nation, and that the mass media covers up racial and ethnic realities.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Black Teenagers Beat White Disabled Man

By Jeff Davis. An article from KFVS TV reports: “A violent attack is caught on tape and it goes viral. One teenage girl faces a misdemeanor charge. Authorities are not seeking charges against another teen. That video showed up on Facebook, and it has many people in Caruthersville [Missouri] outraged. The two girls are now in hot water and another man, also seen in the video, could face charges too.”

“It all happened about two weeks ago at 310 Highland in Caruthersville. The video spread like wildfire on Facebook. ‘It was awful,’ said Rachel Self. Self is the victim’s cousin. ‘They knew he’s not mentally right, and I just want to see justice served and this not happen to anyone else,’ said Self.”

A Black teenager can be seen brutally beating a White disabled man in the youtube video below:
KFVS TV goes on: “As soon as the police chief saw the video, he felt the same way. ‘It was horrible, plain out horrible,’ said Chief Tony Jones. Jones knows the man in the video quite well. ‘Everyone in town knows Cool Breeze,’ said Jones. He’s a pretty much a celebrity in Caruthersville. ‘He might dance on your front porch, but he’s harmless,’ said Self.”

“His real name is Louis Crocker. Heartland News caught up with Crocker who is known to wander around town. He is shocked by all the attention this story is getting. ‘I told her (the girl hitting him in the video) to leave me alone, she’s 15…’ ”

“Chief Jones says two young teen girls are now in the custody of juvenile authorities. There is also an adult, Deonte Fonda, in the video.”

Chalk this up as another violent assault by Blacks on a White victim. Curiously the Blacks seem to be taking many of these videos of violent Black assaults themselves. They actually seem to be proud of these attacks and put them up on youtube so their friends can see. Hopefully, millions of White people will start noticing all these videos and finally get an accurate view of the Black population instead of the rosy picture put out by the mainstream media.

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