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We are opposed to violence and believe that every people on earth has the right not to be exploited, suppressed or harmed by others. That uncontrolled immigration is a threat to every nation, and that the mass media covers up racial and ethnic realities.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Black Youths Still Playing “Knock Out Game” against Random Victims

By James Buchanan. As if Blacks committing flash mob lootings and assaults is not bad enough, there’s another crime becoming popular among Black youths called the “knock out game”.

An article in St. Louis Today reports “A St. Louis teen was charged over the weekend in an assault in the Central West End that police said appears to be a ‘knockout game’ attack.”

“Edward L. Townsend, 17, of the 4900 block of Evans Avenue, was charged with one count of third-degree misdemeanor assault.”
“The 30-year-old male victim was walking on the sidewalk in the 4600 block of McPherson Avenue about 10 p.m. Friday when a group of teens approached. Townsend punched the man.”

Liberal and Jewish prosecutors tend to bend over backwards to give Blacks lenient sentences. If every Black arrested were prosecuted to the full extent of the law, millions more Black males would be guilty of felonies and would not be able to vote for various Democrat crooks, including Barack Obama on election day.

This “knock out game” involves deliberately trying to give someone a concussion so that they fall to the ground unconscious. The victim could potentially fracture his skull hitting the pavement. An elderly victim could easily be killed.

*  felony assault,
*  reckless disregard for human life,
*  conspiracy to commit felony assault and
*  a hate crime in the case of any Black-on-White assault.

The prosecutor should be filing charges for:

The article notes “Police say Townsend was apparently playing the ‘knockout game,’ which involves random, unprovoked attacks on unsuspecting victims, usually by teens. Police did not detail why they think this was a ‘knockout’ attack.”

“The witnesses said the attack was particularly alarming because it happened on a block close to the Central West End business district where residents and bar patrons frequently walk the streets late into the evening.”

Any White person who thinks he will be able to retire and enjoy a nice quiet retirement in a future America is suffering from delusions. Even if you somehow are able to escape the ruthless corporate outsourcing and make it to retirement, vicious minority street gangs may decide to murder you just for sport. Home invasion robberies will likely be the next big minority crime after the “knock out game” and flash mob crimes. These problems only get worse every year and will continue to get worse until White people decide to organize to protect our interests and White homelands.

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